necessary on my part and long overdue
essentially but a laundry list of items
on how i can finally say thank you
for not buying more cocoa pebbles when i was a tyke
in a strange way teaching me the value of a dollar
yet affording the best education a kid could have
at all boys schools! turning me into a scholar
for my musical appreciation and relative pitch
all a result from the privelege of playing cello
to counterbalancing dad's stern right hand
by continuing to remain calm and mellow
saturdays would find us making kimchee in a tub
or maybe washing and picking bean sprouts
followed by countless nervous sunday mornings
spending time with montana, marino & fouts
if i was wrong or ever got into trouble
you were there to help, always at the ready
with a big hug and non-judgmental eyes
not to mention the best kalbi jim & spaghetti
so enjoy today with all your might
a day off of which you deserve so clearly
and please know that then, now and forever more
your son loves you very dearly.
Happy mothers day!
Great blog i like it ;)
Nice Pictures
Your sweet words are enough to make all other mothers envious!
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